Port Angeles, WA – Sept. 19, 2020 – Hundreds of participants gathered for a peaceful protest rally, on many acres of private property, west of Port Angeles, as Republican candidates spoke at the event.

As classic cars, motorcycles, and many other vehicles gathered, the mood of the crowd was expectant as candidates set up their booths for the event.

Sue Forde  and Brian Pruiett, candidates for State  Representatives for the 24th Legislative District Positions 1 and 2 (R), Connie Beauvais for State Senate and Eizabeth Kreiselmaier for Congressional 6th District all set up booths where they visited with individuals to hear their thoughts and concerns.

Concession stands for food and other items, as well as a stage for music, fashioned the grounds.

Grandstand bleachers and many chairs were provided as many people stood and sat to hear the speakers and listen to the Buck Ellard band.

As the program began, candidates Forde, Pruiett, Beauvais, and Kreiselmaier, staged on a high platform for easy visibility by the crowd, spoke about their plans for change in Olympia and Washington D.C., toward lower taxes, less regulation, and common sense accountable Constitutional government, among other issues.

After the Pledge of Allegiance, Susan Rodman sang, “The Star Spangled Banner”.

Loren Culp, running for Governor, was the featured speaker. He shared his background and his plans to move Washington forward.  He will be on the November ballot against incumbent Jay Inslee. He spoke about his background and also what some of his plans are when he takes over the office as Governor, of Washington State. Read his thoughts here:  culpforgovernor.com

The weather was good and the rain did not start until the end of the program.  After the rally, a Sheriff’s vehicle was at the exit to help, as several people directed the over 400 vehicles from the access roads.